Super Shrimp Bros
Mayaca Fluviatilis
Mayaca Fluviatilis
Mayaca fluviatilis, a stem plant native to South and Central America, possesses an exceptionally soft and flexible stem. Combined with its narrow, bright green leaves, this plant exudes a delicate and elegant appearance. It readily branches and its rapid growth necessitates regular pruning.
While Mayaca fluviatilis thrives in soft, slightly acidic water, it also does well in moderately hard water. It's worth noting that this plant may develop pale shoots if it lacks sufficient iron.
When dealing with a bundle of stems or young plants anchored together, it's advisable to remove the anchor and separate the individual plants. For stem plants like this, it's best to remove the leaves from the lower 5 cm (2 inches) and eliminate any damaged leaves. Plant the individual plants with some spacing in the substrate, and roots will soon develop, allowing the plant to start growing.